Adult patrons and the Parent(s)/Guardians of Juvenile patrons are required to provide the following information in order to obtain a full-service library card or an e-Card:
The following information is required on the application:
i. Legal name shown on the valid government-issued photo ID
ii. Current residence address with printed proof of address, if not shown on the ID
iii. A PO Box or a Postal Mail Box from a commercial vendor cannot be used as the only form of address, but may be shown in addition to the current residence address
iv. Telephone or cell-phone number and the name of the service provider
v. Email address if available
vi. Choice of library notification
vii. Password
viii. Date of birth
b. Acceptable valid (not digital) forms of photo ID with an expiration date:
i. Texas or another state’s driver license
ii. Texas ID card
iii. Passport
iv. U.S. Military ID
v. International Driver License
vi. Resident Alien Card (Green Card)
c. Acceptable printed proof of current residence address, if not shown on the valid government-issued photo ID, must show the applicant’s name and may be:
i. Imprinted bank check, deposit slip, or bank statement
ii. Utility deposit receipt or current utility bill
iii. A valid Texas Voter Registration card, Texas Vehicle registration, Texas Proof of Automobile Insurance Card
iv. Rental/Lease Agreement, Home Purchase documents
v. Official mail sent to the address on the application and postmarked within the last 30 days
vi. Peace Officer’s official address (Texas Statutes, Texas Transportation Code. Sec. 521.1211)
vii. Driver License for Peace Officers and Prosecutors