Age Group:
PreschoolProgram Description
Join us for a Virtual Preschool Story Lab on Vehicles! This creative story time encourages children to discover and explore concepts in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (S.T.E.A.M.). In this program, we will read books, sing songs and demonstrate a variety of S.T.E.A.M. activities in which you can use simple materials to create a cardboard car and learn concepts such as shapes and speed.
This program is designed for children ages 3-6 and their caregivers.
Families of toddlers and preschoolers may pick up to-go activity packets for the month. These packets – available for pick up at the libraries’ curbside pick-up areas -- contain fun craft activities that can be done at home.
This program is a pre-recorded video. Click here to view it.
For book suggestions on the program's theme, please click here.
Part 1: Introduction, Literacy Tip, & Hello Song
Part 2: Book 1- VROOM! (unlisted)
Part 3: Activity 1- Build A Cardboard Race Car
Part 4: Song- I'm A Little Hunk Of Tin
Part 5: Book 2- Big Choo (unlisted)