Pro Se Basics Classes are intended to help those Self Represented Litigants.
March 12, 2025: Click here to read an important letter from the Library Director.
We are experiencing network disruptions affecting our catalog and Internet. Our Technology Team is actively working to resolve the issue. Check back for updates; we appreciate your patience!
- Books can still be checked out with an FBCL library card
- eBooks ARE AVAILABLE on OverDrive/Libby and hoopla; click here for instructions.
- Overdue fines are waived until the network issue has been resolved
- Most online resources are now available
- Not available: Catalog & access to your account, Wall Street Journal, LinkedIn Learning, Hotspots & Launchpads
Mother Goose Time is a 30-minute multi-sensory activity time designed for pre-walking infants from 1 month to 12 months of age. Mother Goose Time includes rhymes, finger plays, and lullabies designed for early educational development.
Stories, songs, and action rhymes for families with children of all ages. This 30-minute activity takes place at the library. Take-home crafts will be available at the end of the program.
Mother Goose Time is a 30-minute multisensory activity time designed for pre-walking infants from 1 month to 12 months of age. Mother Goose Time includes rhymes, finger plays, and lullabies designed for early educational development.
Mother Goose Time is a 30-minute multisensory activity time designed for pre-walking infants from 1 month to 12 months of age. Mother Goose Time includes rhymes, finger plays, and lullabies designed for early educational development.
Stories, songs, and action rhymes for preschool children. Take-home crafts will be available at the end of the program. We are unable to accommodate daycares and school groups in this program.
Looking for you next good read? If you’re not sure what to read next, try NoveList Plus, a free database of book recommendations! This class will show you how to use NoveList to expand your reading horizons.
Enjoy practicing your English skills in a fun, friendly environment!
Bring your crafting project to work on and meet others with similar interests. Share ideas, get tips and inspiration, and learn something new!
Please bring your own materials to finish a project or start a new one.
Stories, songs, and action rhymes for families with children of all ages. This 30-minute activity takes place at the library. Take-home crafts will be available at the end of the program.
Stories, songs, and action rhymes for families with children of all ages. Take-home crafts will be available at the end of the program.
Stories, songs, and action rhymes for families with toddlers aged 1-3 years. This 30-minute program will conclude with an age-appropriate, take-home craft activity. We are unable to accommodate daycares and school groups in this program.
English-language learners of any level are invited to practice conversation in a friendly, relaxed environment. This conversation group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. No registration required.
Do you need to write up a resume? Keep a spreadsheet for taxes or expenses? Craft a presentation? And you don’t have access to Microsoft Office?
Whatever experience level you are at - from beginner to advanced - anyone who enjoys any type of crafting is welcome to attend. These meetings are drop-in events where those attending bring their projects and their own crafting supplies.&nbs
Come create your own unique work of art at the Mission Bend Library! Participants will get to prepare, embroider, and paint a canvas featuring various February-centric celebratory designs.
Come spend a chill evening with us while we create a unique piece of Pop wall art using newspaper and your favorite icon or character. Bringing your own photos is optional but welcome.
Teens can come and learn the basics of 3D printing and design, learn to use Tinkercad, and design their own pencil holder cups, which will later be printed and made available for pickup.
Join us in the Children's Corner for some fun with Legos and other building materials! For grades K-5 only.
Materials for this program are made possible by the support of the Friends of the George Memorial Library.