
March 12, 2025: Click here to read an important letter from the Library Director.

We are experiencing network disruptions affecting our catalog and Internet. Our Technology Team is actively working to resolve the issue. Check back for updates; we appreciate your patience!

  • Books can still be checked out with an FBCL library card
  • eBooks ARE AVAILABLE on OverDrive/Libby and hoopla; click here for instructions.
  • Overdue fines are waived until the network issue has been resolved
  • Most online resources are now available
  • Not available: Catalog & access to your account, Wall Street Journal, LinkedIn Learning, Hotspots & Launchpads

Alert: University Branch Library

University Branch Library (Sugar Land) will be CLOSED on Friday, March 14, for a scheduled power outage by CenterPoint Energy. 

Connect to WiFi


Our WiFi network allows patrons to use their own wireless devices to connect to the Internet. Wireless networks have been installed at all Fort Bend County Libraries (FBCL) locations. Your device must be WiFi-compliant (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac) and have an Internet browser (IE, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) to connect to the Internet while at one of our libraries. 

Is there a fee?
No. The library offers WiFi as an information service, free of charge to its patrons. The service is limited to surfing http/https websites. The number of connections available at each location is also limited, so access is strictly on a first-come, first-served basis. Upload and download speeds are determined by the number of connections and current data traffic loads.

Is the network secure?
Our WiFi access is an open, public-access network. For your protection, you should always make sure that you are on a SSL-encrypted web page before sending or receiving confidential data, and you should keep your antivirus software up to date. In most cases, you can tell you are on a secure web page when you see the “https” on the address bar or a lock icon on the task bar.


What equipment do I need to access the network?
Your wireless device must be equipped with a standard Internet browser and wireless Ethernet (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac)


How do I connect to the network?
Make sure your WiFi software driver and card are properly installed, then turn on your device. The SSID [aka public network name] for Fort Bend County Libraries is fbclib, which is broadcast. On most devices that have internal WiFi capability, the operating system will often alert the user to the presence of an available WiFi network when the device is on. If it does not, you must enter the appropriate SSID: fbclib.

Open your web browser, review FBCL’s WiFi and Internet Use Policy, and click Accept at the bottom of the page to agree to the terms and conditions. On the next page, you will see a gray background that says, “Connection Successful. You can now use all our network services over the wireless network.” Simply start surfing the Internet from the browser’s address bar. (If a security alert pops up at any time, just click the option to continue.)

Note: Accepting FBCL’s WiFi and Internet Use Policy is mandatory for gaining access to the Internet on a personal device. Although your device will inform you when it has connected to FBCL’s network, access to the Internet is restricted until you accept FBCL’s WiFi and Internet Use Policy.

Click here for FBCL’s WiFi and Internet Use Policy.


My web browser did not display any pages... what's wrong?
Here are some things to check if you’re having problems. 

  1. Make sure that data encryption (e.g., WEP and WPA) is disabled or off.
  2. Make sure that any LAN connections are disabled.
  3. Make sure that your security settings are not blocking access to open WiFi connections.
  4. Make sure that you have clicked the Accept button on the WiFi and Internet Use Policy.
  5. There may already be too many connections to the wireless access point (WAP). Move to another location in the library and try connecting to another WAP.
  6. RESTART your computer.
  7. If you still have trouble, speak to a staff person at the Adult Reference Information Desk. Although staff cannot assist with personal devices, staff will test to make sure the library’s WiFi is functioning correctly.