Contact Information
550 Eldridge Road
Sugar Land, Texas 77478
Phone: 281-238-2140
Fax: 832-471-2460
Branch Manager: Mary Hulse

Library Hours
This building is OPEN to the public.
Mon 12 pm – 9 pm
Tue 10 am – 6 pm
Wed 10 am – 6 pm
Thu 10 am – 9 pm
Fri 12 pm – 5 pm
Sat 10 am – 5 pm
Computers for Public Use
Computers for public use are available at this branch by reservation or on a walk-in-basis.
Computer software available on these computers include:
- Internet
- Microsoft Office 2010
- Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
- Research Databases
- Internet
- Microsoft Office 2010
- Educational Databases
- Educational Software
WiFi Access
Sugar Land Branch Library provides free WiFi access to the public throughout the building. Contact Sugar Land for more information and connection instructions to use your personal laptop at the library.
Technology Classes
The staff of the Fort Bend County library system conducts entry-level classes on computer software, on a variable basis. Examples include “Microsoft Word Survival Basics” and “Mouse Practice for Scaredy-cats.” Classes are not available at all library locations. For the current classes available, check under Computer/Tech type programs on the calendar.
Tech Center
Sugar Land Branch Library has a computer lab with 12 computers. When the lab is not being used for training, it is open to the public. Free computer classes at various levels and on various topics are taught on a regular basis by library staff.
A SmartKiosk is available to add value to your library card for printing and copying while in the library.
Printer Type: B&W 10¢ per page
Printer Type: Color $1.00 per page
Payment Type: Library Card
Two flatbed scanners are available at this library for images only.
Wireless Printing
Fort Bend County Libraries offers wireless-printing services for both patrons and library guests using personal electronic devices at most locations. Using the Library’s SmartALEC/Comprise printing system, people may send a print job from anywhere with an internet connection using their personal laptop, tablet, desktop, or mobile device to one of the listed Fort Bend County library locations.
Print size: Letter-size, plain paper only. Substitutions not allowed.
Limit: 50 pages per job
Click here to learn more about the wireless-printing service.
Printer Type: B&W
Price (per page):
- Letter (8.5x11) - 15¢ when using coins; 10¢ when using library card
- Legal (8.5x14) - 15¢ when using coins; 10¢ when using library card
- Ledger (11x17) - 20¢ when using coins; 15¢ when using library card
Fax Machine
This service is for sending faxes only; it will not receive.
U.S.A., Canada & Caribbean
- $1.75 1st page; $1.00 each additional page
- $4.95 1st page; $3.45 each additional page
Credit Cards Only
Library Programs
Sugar Land Branch Library is committed to providing Adult and Youth educational, informational, and cultural programs for its patrons. For a list of programs, go to the library’s Calendar of Events.
Displays and Exhibits
Sugar Land Branch Library has three permanent displays in the building.
THE FREEDOM SHRINE, donated by the Sugar Land Exchange Club, includes replications of important American historical documents, including such items as the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, the Constitution of the United States, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, the Monroe Doctrine, the 19th Amendment, and many more. These documents are displayed in the Conference Room.
THE SUGAR LAND HISTORY WALL, located in the branch's Meeting Room, is a four-panel display that provides information on the city's history: "In the Beginning," "Company Town," "The City of Sugar Land," and "People of Sugar Land." Three cases along the entrance to the Meeting room display themes: Sugar Land's goals, aerial photos to discover where you live, and planning for tomorrow, indicating what's in the city's future.
THE BUTTERFLY GARDEN, donated by the Sugar Land Garden Club, is located in the center atrium area of the library. The plantings have an emphasis on native plants, and were chosen both to attract butterflies and to provide year-round color and interest. The Garden may be viewed from several areas inside the library as well as from the street.
Most of the branches also feature changing displays and exhibits in their display cases. Check the calendar for the current displays.
Literacy and English as a Second Language
Literacy is important to community growth and an adaptable, diverse workforce. Partnering with the Literacy Council of Fort Bend County, Sugar Land Branch Library provides facilities for persons wishing to learn to read or to learn English as a second language. Please call 281-341-2652 for more details.
To reserve a room, you may choose from one of the following options:
- Reserve a room online
- Call 281-238-2140
- Download the application and email to or bring to the library
Review our Meeting Room Policy
Meeting Room Capacity: 90
Conference Room Capacity: 12
Study Rooms: Cannot be reserved; they are available on a walk-in basis only. 4 study rooms are available. (Capacity 2 per room)
The Sugar Land Branch Library opened in August 1999, the final branch constructed with funds voted upon in the 1989 bond election. The City of Sugar Land donated funds for the permanent history display that would be housed by the library, and many area individuals contributed to the library by purchasing paver bricks engraved with the donor's name or in honor/memory of someone.
The Friends of the Sugar Land Branch Library was organized to support the branch with extra funds for things not provided for in the county budget. The group has an ongoing book sale in the library, as well as semi-annual special sales. The Friends have provided funding for Summer Reading Club trophies, as well as materials and programming for the special summer event. They also provide funds for other library programs, and special needs for library staff education and recognition. For more information about the Friends of the Sugar Land Branch Library or to join the organization, click here or email
The Sugar Land Book Club at Fort Bend County Libraries’ Sugar Land Branch recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of the book club’s inception. The group, which still includes three of the original members, reminisced about some of the books they have read over the years. Read more about the Sugar Land Book Club here.