Design Your Homeschool
Step-by-step guide to designing a homeschool approach that suits your family. Includes curriculum reviews, how to create your own curriculum, teaching tips for individual subjects, and free resources.
Homeschool Central
A guide to homeschool resources and services, including curriculum and testing resources and links to national homeschool organizations
Homeschooling in Texas
The Texas Home School Coalition is a Texas organization for home schooling, providing information on state requirements and links to resources, including local support groups and curriculum lists and reviews.
Homeschool Legal Defense Association
HSLDA is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms.
The Homeschool Mom
Free online resources, advice for getting started in home-schooling, and curriculum reviews by subject and publisher.
Homeschool World
Links to homeschooling and family products and organizations, homeschool mall, and legal defense fund.
National Home Education Research Institute
A research clearing-house for homeschool research, facts, statistics, and news.