Our library provides free access to MasterFILE Complete, a research database from EBSCO that contains hundreds of reference e-books as well as complete articles for thousands of reputable magazines and journals, including Consumer Reports, Better Homes & Gardens, People, TIME, Sports Illustrated and U.S. News & World Report. You’ll find reliable information on a variety of topics to help you with research for school, your job, or when you simply want to learn something new.
To search Consumer Reports content, please click here and type your search terms ("Electric Vehicles," for example) in the second field to see articles. You can click on "Access Options" under the articles that interest you, and select "PDF" to view the article in its original format, or "Online full text" to view the text of the article.
You can also easily search MasterFILE Complete by logging into our library’s Explora research experience. Click the "View Resource" button to get started.
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