
March 12, 2025: Click here to read an important letter from the Library Director.

We are experiencing network disruptions affecting our catalog and Internet. Our Technology Team is actively working to resolve the issue. Check back for updates; we appreciate your patience!

  • Books can still be checked out with an FBCL library card
  • eBooks ARE AVAILABLE on OverDrive/Libby and hoopla; click here for instructions.
  • Overdue fines are waived until the network issue has been resolved
  • Most online resources are now available
  • Not available: Catalog & access to your account, Wall Street Journal, LinkedIn Learning, Hotspots & Launchpads

Alert: University Branch Library

University Branch Library (Sugar Land) will be CLOSED on Friday, March 14, for a scheduled power outage by CenterPoint Energy. 


Limit by Subject
Gale Literature LitFinder

LitFinder: Gale Literature

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LitFinder provides access to literary works and authors throughout history and includes more than 130,000 full-text poems and 650,000+ poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays. The database also includes secondary materials like biographies, images, and more.

Not in Library:  Enter your library card number (no spaces.)

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Fort Bend County

Local City Governments

Links to the official websites of cities in the Fort Bend County area.

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A blue rectangular logo with the words: MasterFile Complete in white.

MasterFILE Complete (provides access to Consumer Reports)-EBSCO

Our library provides free access to MasterFILE Complete, a research database from EBSCO that contains hundreds of reference e-books as well as complete articles for thousands of reputable magazines and journals, including Consumer Reports, Better Homes & Gardens, People, TIME, Sports Illustrated and U.S. News & World Report. You’ll find reliable information on a variety of topics to help you with research for school, your job, or when you simply want to learn something new.

To search Consumer Reports content, please click here and type your search terms ("Electric Vehicles," for example) in the second field to see articles. You can click on "Access Options" under the articles that interest you, and select "PDF" to view the article in its original format, or "Online full text" to view the text of the article.

You can also easily search MasterFILE Complete by logging into our library’s Explora research experience. Click the "View Resource" button to get started.

Not in Library: Enter your library card number (no spaces.)

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Medline Plus logo


The National Library of Medicine's site for consumer-health information. Find information on common diseases and conditions, dictionaries, and directories for finding health-care professionals.

Watch a brief video that explores the MedLine Plus website here.

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Logo reads: Medline Plus: información de salud para usted: 25 años de información de salud

Medline Plus (en Español)

MedlinePlus es un servicio informativo en línea de salud para pacientes, familiares y amigos. Es producida por la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos (NLM, por sus siglas en inglés), la biblioteca médica más grande del mundo y parte de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud de EE. UU. (NIH).

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Gale In Context: Middle School

Middle School: Gale in Context

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Explore the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, literature, and more.

Not in Library:  Enter your library card number (no spaces.)

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Military and Intelligence: Gale OneFile

Military and Intelligence: Gale OneFile

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Search scholarly journals, magazines, and reports covering all aspects of past and present military affairs. Updated daily.

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Military Database from ProQuest

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The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. Resources include scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.

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MHA logo

Miss Humblebee's Academy

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Gale Presents: Miss Humblebee’s Academy is an award-winning online resource that gives kids ages 3–6 access to hundreds of guided lessons using videos, music, eBooks, hands-on activities, and more. It includes off-line lessons, too. View weekly progress and performance reports to track improvement toward kindergarten readiness. It’s serious learning fun!

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Logo of the Modern World History database from Infobase.

Modern World History (Infobase)

Modern World History offers a comprehensive look at world history from the mid-15th century to the present. Thousands of subject entries, biographies, images, videos and slideshows, maps and graphs, primary sources, and timelines combine to provide a detailed and comparative view of the people, places, events, and ideas that have defined modern world history. Focused Topic Centers pull forward interesting entries, search terms, documents, and maps handpicked by Infobase editors to help users find a starting point for their research, as well as videos and slideshow overviews to offer a visual introduction to key eras and regions. All the Infobase history databases in a collection are fully cross-searchable.

Not in Library: Enter your library card number (no spaces.)

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Gale Presents National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids (Gale)

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Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. Best for children aged 6–14.

Not in Library:  Enter your library card number (no spaces.)

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Gale Presents National Geographic Virtual Library

National Geographic Virtual Library

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Browse this cross-searchable platform for research insight from journalism's most trusted name in exploration and discovery.

Not in Library:  Enter your library card number (no spaces.)

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The New York Times

New York

To access from inside a library building, click on the “View Resource (inside the library)” button and start by creating an account. Read in your browser or download the free mobile app.

Remote users, start at the “View Resource (outside the library)” button, then click “Redeem” and create an account or log back in.  Remote access expires after 72 hours. Request another 72 hours anytime by returning to “View Resource” link to redeem another code.

Watch a brief video tutorial here

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Gale OneFile: News

News: Gale OneFile

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Access major U.S. and international newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, or other fields.

Not in Library:  Enter your library card number (no spaces.)

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NewsBank logo

NewsBank World Access

Discover news and historical articles from America's News and newspapers from around the world. Resources include the Houston Chronicle and collected Special Reports on current events.

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Available in-library only., the largest historical newspaper database online, contains tens of millions of newspaper pages from 1607 to present. Every newspaper in the archive is fully searchable by keyword and date, making it easy for you to quickly explore historical content. is adding newspaper pages faster than you can search them - with one newspaper page added every second - that's over 80,000 images a day, or about 2.5 million pages per month!

To access this service, please visit your local branch library and click the "View Resource' button below on a library computer.

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NoveList Plus Logo, with three leaf-like shapes on the left in blue, purple, and orange.

NoveList Plus (EBSCO)

NoveList Plus is a comprehensive readers' search tool for fiction and nonfiction. Find read-alikes by author or series, or even search by appeal terms or reading level. With handy links to the library catalog, NoveList Plus answers the question: What should I read next?

Learn more about NoveList in this short video.

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Gale OneFile Nursing & Allied Health

Nursing & Allied Health: Gale OneFile

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Research full-text titles cited in CINAHL and other resources to support specialized care, treatment, and patient management.

Not in Library:  Enter your library card number (no spaces.)

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