For OverDrive/Libby:
Instructions for OverDrive/Libby users on how to log in on a new device if you're already logged in to OverDrive/Libby on a different device:
• As long as users are logged in to OverDrive’s Libby app on one device, they should be able to use this method to log in on a different device to check out digital selections. OverDrive/Libby provides helpful information here.
• Readers who have never logged in to OverDrive/Libby, or who are currently logged out of OverDrive/Libby on all devices, will not be able to access OverDrive/Libby for now. However, we recommend trying the digital selections on Hoopla.
For Hoopla: Hoopla does allow new users to register without having an account previously. Existing hoopla users should be able to access this resource as they always do.