Access Video: Just for Kids
The Just for Kids Streaming Collection for public libraries gives children—and their parents—a thoroughly kid-safe, advertisement-free media platform they can freely explore and enjoy. Just for Kids has the educational videos children want to watch—Sesame Street, The Electric Company, The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss, The Berenstain Bears, Franklin, and thousands more—plus songs, games, and other interactives that are sure to entertain, educate, and inspire young patrons.
Learn how to create a user profile here. By creating an account, users can create playlists, add favorites, and more.
Not in Library: Enter your library card number (no spaces.)

hoopla digital
Stream movies, music, and audiobooks or check out comics and eBooks from your computer or in an easy-to-use app on your mobile device. All selections are always available!
Plus, with just one borrow, you can get unlimited streaming access to one of multiple BingePass collections like hoopla Magazines, Curiosity Stream, Hellosaurus, The Great Courses, and more! https://www.hoopladigital.com/browse/binge
Find hoopla FAQs here: hoopla FAQ
Watch a short video tutorial on how to download eBooks/eAudiobooks on hoopla here and a short video tutorial on how to download and stream movies & TV shows on hoopla here.

Enjoy eBooks and eAudiobooks in your browser or in OverDrive's easy-to-use "Libby" mobile app.
Please sign into the Libby by OverDrive app or website to see your current holds.
Find OverDrive FAQs here: OverDrive FAQ

TumbleBook Library for Children
Stream animated picture books and games. New feature: TumbleMath offers children's books about numerous math topics. All selections are always available!
Watch a short video that provides an introduction to using TumbleBooks here.
Find Tumble FAQs here: TumbleBook and TumbleMath FAQ